Programme ~ Rhaglen

1pm – 4pm: Dr Bike @ Elysium (out the back)

210 High Street Stryd Fawr SA1 1PE

Come learn bike repair skills and learn basic skills with Re-Cycle Swansea!

All other workshops will be in Hippos

Mi fydd pob gweithdy arall yn Hippos

207 High Street Stryd Fawr SA1 1PE

(in the room through past the bar / yn yr ystafell heibio’r bar)

11.30am: Grym gweithredu uniongyrchol

Sefydlwyd Cymdeithas yr Iaith yn 1962 i frwydro dros hawliau i’r Gymraeg, dewch i drafod pwysigrwydd tor cyfraith i ymgyrch y Gymraeg a’n cymunedau ac ymgyrchoedd ehangach.

12.15pm: The Far Right Threat

The far right is a regrettably growing threat in our communities. What are the latest developments in their ideology? Join us for a discussion on what we can do.

1.00pm: Building Radical community through food solidarity

This workshop explores food solidarity as a basepoint for radical community organising. We’ll look at practical tools from the community organising playbook, explore the ideas of food solidarity, third space, and community organising, and you’ll have the option to leave with a step by step plan for setting up your own project.

1.45pm: “No justice, no peace”

Police brutality, carceral violence, systemic racism – and the struggles against. A critical discussion with the Free Siyanda Campaign, Cradle Community, Justice for the Cardiff 5 and Dr Joey Whitfield and other campaigners for accountability and abolition.

3.15pm: Palestine Solidarity

How can you stand in solidarity with the Palestinians on the ground? Come and find out at this Introduction to the International Solidarity Movement Palestine.

4.15pm: Save Kilvey Hill

The campaign to save a local green space from ecological destruction and privatisation.

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